11 Mar 2014

I twist. You twist. Both of us twist?

Today taken by memories I went to the safe place, this doesn't happen every time when I get carried by my memories. So today was a good day and I would say I felt honored to 'walk in the studio' one more time for Cecilia Macfarlane's workshop which took place some time ago in January. 
Yes, good things take time and come to those who wait :) Some processing take time and so did I with the all vast information that had been generously given during the workshop.
Undoubtedly, information has been running trough my 'brain tubes' and have been filtered trough the filter - HOW DO I KNOW WHEN I KNOW, which is developing and possibly ever lasting research of mine.
In the workshop we were given a task to created small choreography based on the personal and intimate act from our daily routine. Of course, the choice of this act was individual and based on the subjective experience of each person in the room. After a creating choreography, we got to share it with each other. Moreover, we had to give choreography away and let it live in other body. This is how something personal and subjective became shared and objective.
In relation to my 'lifetime' research of knowing or/and unknowing, I am particularly interested in this twist from subjectivity to objectivity
It is no secret I like to ask questions. So here it comes, get ready!
Can something that I know you can know too?
And how do you know when I know? 
In other words, when and how knowing becomes not only subjective, but objective too? Can knowing be shared collectively or it will always remain a little bit individual and subjective